Advanced Statistical Analysis of Marine Microbial Systems

Christian Müller
Flatiron Institute

Dr Müller is interested in developing computational statistics methods that are applicable in data-driven research in biology and microbial ecology. As a principal investigator for CBIOMES Müller is involved in developing statistical methods for ocean microbiome data analysis.

CBIOMES Collaborators working with Müller

News from the Müller Group

December 2023 CBIOMES e-meeting Viet Tran (Müller Group)

"Learning Ocean Provinces” Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates. (more…)

CBIOMES Welcomes Diana David-Rus

A warm welcome to Müller Group Senior Research Scientist Diana David-Rus who recently joined CBIOMES. (more…)


Crispin M. Mutshinda, Aditya Mishra, Zoe V. Finkel and Andrew J. Irwin (2023), Density regulation amplifies environmentally induced population fluctuations, PeerJ, doi: 10.7717/peerj.14701 Get the PDF [Requires login]  

CBIOMES Welcomes Viet Tran

A warm welcome to graduate student Viet Tran who recently joined the Müller Group. (more…)


Crispin M. Mutshinda, Aditya Mishra, Zoe V. Finkel, Claire E. Widdicombe & Andrew J. Irwin (2022), Bayesian two-part modeling of phytoplankton biomass and occurrence, Hydrobiologia, doi: 10.1007/s10750-021-04789-2 Get the PDF [Requires...

A Systems Level Approach to Biogeography

Microbial simulations bridge the gap between the molecular and ecosystem scales. A new CBIOMES paper presents, for the first time, an interpretation of observed, strain-level, basin-scale biogeography using genome-scale modeling...


Jacob Bien, Yan, X., Simpson, L., Christian L. Müller (2021), Tree-aggregated predictive modeling of microbiome data, Scientific Reports, doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-93645-3 Get the PDF [Requires login]  

Recordings and microtalks from the Müller Group. Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates. (more…)

2020 Joint Simons Marine Collaborations Meeting

Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates only. Besides CBIOMES, the Simons Foundation supports three other marine collaborations: BIOS-SCOPE, PriME, and SCOPE. A joint meeting, October...

The Müller Group goes to Annual Meeting

The Flatiron-CBIOMES group seeks to develop advanced statistical methods for ocean microbiome data analysis. In this video, Christian presents an overview of his team's work and collaborations. Please note access...

CBIOMES at CMStatistics2019

In December, several from CBIOMES traveled to London, England, to present their work at CMStatistics2019, a conference organized by the European Research Consortium for Informatics (ERCIM) Working Group on Computational...