CBIOMES Welcomes Loay Jabre

A warm welcome to graduate student Loay Jabre who is a member of the new Dalhousie-Bertrand Group

by Helen Hill for CBIOMES

HH: In summary, what are your research interests?
LJ: I am curious about how microbes interact with their environments. Specifically, I am interested in using various molecular and physiological measurements (e.g. proteomics, growth rates, nutrient quotas) to ask questions about phytoplankton biology, and the relationship between phytoplankton and biogeochemical processes.

HH: What is your role in Erin’s Group? What are you going to be working on for CBIOMES?
LJ: I am in my final year as a PhD student in Erin Bertrand’s group. My PhD thesis uses laboratory and field experiments to examine how changes in temperature and micronutrients influence phytoplankton growth at high latitudes. Ultimately, data from these experiments will inform cellular and biogeochemical models. 

HH: What is your educational background (BS, MS?)
LJ: I did my BSc (honors) in biology at Acadia University where I researched fungal endophytes in white spruce. I then completed a MASc in engineering at Dalhousie University where I studied the biological sources of volatile organic compounds in the Northwest Atlantic.

Story image: In his spare time Loay enjoys chess, fishing, foraging, and cooking!

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