A warm welcome to PML Senior Scientist Mahasweta Saha who recently joined CBIOMES.
by Helen Hill for CBIOMES
HH: In summary, what are your research interests?
MS: My team at PML investigates how marine organisms ‘talk’ to each other as we humans do!
HH: What are you going to be working on for CBIOMES?
MS: I am not a member of Shubha’s Group but I will be collaborating with her, looking at the chemically mediated Vibrio-phytoplankton interaction under the umbrella of CBIOMES.
HH: What is your educational background (BS, MS?)
MS: I have a PhD in algal chemical ecology from Helmholtz Centre of Ocean Science, Kiel, Germany
Story image: In her spare time Mahasweta enjoys hiking and walking.