CBIOMES Welcomes Sinikka Lennartz

A warm welcome to Sinikka Lennartz who recently joined CBIOMES

by Helen Hill for CBIOMES

Sinikka Lennartz, is a marine biogeochemist interested in how the ocean interacts with the climate system on various timescales. Interactions between heterotrophic bacteria and dissolved organic matter are responsible for controlling a major reservoir of carbon in the ocean.

She recently joined CBIOMES leading a study into interaction networks in phototroph-heterotroph microbial communities.

Lennartz completed her undergraduate studies at the Universities of Tuebingen, Germany (Bachelor, 2010) and Braunschweig, Germany (Master, 2013) in Geoecology/ Environmental Sciences. She holds a PhD in Marine Biogeochemistry (2017) from the Geomar Helmholtz-Center for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany. Following a short maternity leave, Lennartz began a postdoc at the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM) at the University of Oldenburg, Germany, where she has been using global-scale models to understand the long-term stability of dissolved organic matter in the ocean. She was appointed Junior Professor of Biogeochemical Ocean Modelling at the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM). Before taking this post, she conducted research at MIT on a fellowship from the Walter Benjamin Programme of the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Website | Google Scholar

Story image: When not unraveling the bacterial biogeochemistry of the ocean, Sinikka enjoys spending time outside, hiking, and particularly birdwatching.