CBIOMES Welcomes Farhad de Sousa

A warm welcome to USC graduate student Farhad de Sousa who recently joined CBIOMES

by Helen Hill for CBIOMES

HH: In summary, what are your research interests?
F D-S: I’m broadly interested in statistical machine learning, with a particular emphasis on developing new methods to analyze and interpret complex data. I like to balance both practical and theoretical aspects in my work. More recently, I have been interested in LLMs and generative A.I. as a whole.

HH: What is your role in Jacob’s group? What are you going to be working on for CBIOMES?
F D-S: We are working on a computationally efficient way to analyze flow cytometry data. Our algorithm would be a tool to automate the process of gating this data with the goal of making it faster, easier, and more reliable.

HH: What is your educational background?
F D-S: I received a B.S. in Mathematics and Physics from Purdue University, and an MS in statistics from the University of Southern California (USC). I am currently pursuing a PhD in applied mathematics at USC under the supervision of Professor Jacob Bien.

Story image: Farhad says “I enjoy soccer, hiking, chess, novels, and yoga!”