CBIOMES Welcomes Julia Cantelo

A warm welcome to Dalhousie graduate student Julia Cantelo  who recently joined CBIOMES

by Helen Hill for CBIOMES

HH: In summary, what are your research interests?
JC: My research interests lie in phytoplankton physiology and using molecular tools and techniques like proteomics to understand how phytoplankton respond to environmental changes.

HH: What is your role in Zoe and Erin’s groups? What are you going to be working on for CBIOMES?
JC: I started my MSc in September of 2023 as a co-supervised student between Erin and Zoe’s labs. For CBIOMES I will be working on characterizing the influence of nitrogen starvation on protein expression and protein allocation in the photosynthetic picoeukaryote Pelagomonas calceolata.

HH: What is your educational background?
JC: I completed my BSc (Honours) in Biology at Dalhousie where I completed my Honours project under Erin’s supervision.

Story image: Julia says “In my spare time I love to get outside for a hike with my dog or enjoy some non-academic reading :)”