A Model Meeting

The CBIOMES Workshop on Numerical Circulation and Ecosystem Modeling was held on April 2-4, 2024, at the Simons Foundation in New York.

by Helen Hill for CBIOMES

Last month, twenty-five participants gathered at the Simons Foundation, to undertake a a comprehensive review of current numerical simulation platforms and applications within the CBIOMES community. Attendees had the opportunity to explore recent developments, including the porting of the Darwin ecosystem model to the ROMS platform and the ongoing enhancements to model resolution and functionality.

Hands-on breakout sessions allowed participants to engage directly with the models, with numerics experts collaborating on interface development for Darwin across multiple circulation modeling platforms. New users also gained practical experience with the Darwin-MITgcm framework.

Throughout the workshop, discussions centered on future goals for ecosystem model development, with a focus on incorporating new data sets for quantitative evaluation and advancing understanding of biogeographical simulations. Overall, the event fostered collaboration and laid the groundwork for next-generation ecosystem modeling platforms and simulations within the CBIOMES community.

Special thanks to all our plenary speakers, Paul Mattern (UCSC), Stephanie Dutkiewicz (MIT), Dustin Carroll (SJS, via Zoom), Tobias Friedrich (UH), Greg Britten (WHOI), and Emily Zakem (Carnegie, via Zoom); organizers (Stephanie Dutkiewicz, Christopher Edwards (UCSC), Christopher Hill (MIT), Oliver Jahn (MIT) and Paul Mattern); individual breakout session leads (plenary speakers and meeting organizers already mentioned, plus Gael Forget, Zhen Wu, Barbie Duckworth, Yubin Raut, and Mick Follows), and, of course, to the generosity of the Simons Foundation for underwriting this activity.

Story Image: Attendees of the CBIOMES Workshop on Numerical Circulation and Ecosystem Modeling, NY April 2024 – image credit: H. Hill

April 2024 CBIOMES Workshop on Numerical Circulation and Ecosystem Modeling: Plenary recordings, agenda, attendee list (restricted)