CBIOMES Welcomes Lekshmi Krishnakumary

A warm CBIOMES-welcome to PML scientist Lekshmi Krishnakumary who recently joined CBIOMES.

by Helen Hill for CBIOMES

HH: In summary, what are your research interests?
LK: As an earth observation, postdoc-level scientist at PML my interests include remote sensing, GIS, air-sea interactions, and climate change.

HH: What are you currently working on as part of CBIOMES?
LK: Detection of phytoplankton functional types using remote sensing techniques, and improving methods developed previously by Shubha and colleagues in CBIOMES.

HH: What is your educational background?
LK: I have a master’s degree in Remote Sensing and GIS (Geographic Informaton Systems) specializing in marine sciences from the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Indian Space Research Organisation. I hold a  PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India (2023.)

ResearchGate | Google Scholar

Story image: Lekshmi says “I enjoy listening to music, reading books, traveling and exploring new places, and watching visual travelogues.”