CBIOMES Welcomes Patrick White

A warm CBIOMES-welcome to Patrick White a PhD student at Dalhousie working with Erin Bertrand.

by Helen Hill for CBIOMES

HH: In summary, what are your research interests?
PW: My research interests centre on better understanding phytoplankton physiology at the molecular level using tools such as metaproteomics.

HH: What is your role in Erin’s group? What will you be working on for CBIOMES?
PW: My work in Erin’s group, and for CBIOMES, is to understand how we might pool proteins together into bulk functional groups, what these pools can tell us about plankton physiology, and how these pools change across phytoplankton taxa.

HH: What is your educational background (BS, MS)?
PW:  I have a BSc from Saint Mary’s University (NS, CAN) and an MSc from University of Alberta (AB, CAN). For my MSc I studied how nutrient fluxes from glaciers were impacting marine phytoplankton in the Canadian Arctic.

Story image: In his spare time Patrick says he likes to spend his time outdoors hiking, cycling, and surfing.


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