Krinos, A., N. Cohen, M.J. Follows and H. Alexander (2023), Reverse engineering environmental meta-transcriptomes clarifies best practices for eukaryotic assembly, BMC Bioinformatics, doi: 10.1186/s12859-022-05121-y
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Krinos, A., N. Cohen, M.J. Follows and H. Alexander (2023), Reverse engineering environmental meta-transcriptomes clarifies best practices for eukaryotic assembly, BMC Bioinformatics, doi: 10.1186/s12859-022-05121-y
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The CBIOMES Workshop on Transects and Eco-provinces was held on January 23-25, 2023, at MIT’s Samberg Conference Center. Continue reading “Linking Transects and Eco-provinces”
CBIOMES members please log in to access. Password issues contact
CBIOMES members please log in to access. Password issues contact
Hats off to everyone who published work in 2022. Catch up on all the great research that came out of CBIOMES last year.
A warm welcome to PML Senior Scientist Mahasweta Saha who recently joined CBIOMES.
A warm welcome to graduate student Cat Bannon from the Bertrand-Dalhousie Group who recently joined CBIOMES.
Crispin M. Mutshinda, Aditya Mishra, Zoe V. Finkel and Andrew J. Irwin (2023), Density regulation amplifies environmentally induced population fluctuations, PeerJ, doi: 10.7717/peerj.14701
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Yuxuan Du, Jed A. Fuhrman & Fengzhu Sun (2023), ViralCC retrieves complete viral genomes and virus-host pairs from metagenomic Hi-C data, Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-35945-y
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A new paper from the PML Group and collaborators uses a moving standard deviation saturation approach to reveal dominant timescales of variability in global satellite data.
Continue reading “Capturing High Spatial and Temporal Variability in Phytoplankton Biomass from Space”