Christian Müller , PhD
Christian L. Müller is a Research Group Leader at Helmholtz Zentrum and LMU München. Prior to his appointment, he worked at the Simons Foundation in the Simons Center for Data Analysis, developing high-dimensional statistics methods and algorithms with applications to microbial and regulatory networks where he was a Project Leader in Computational Statistics.
On the computational side Müller’s primary research interests are:
—High-dimensional and robust statistics
—Compositional data analysis
—Black-box optimization and sampling
—Proximal algorithms and their application in statistics
—Statistical and spectral methods to analyze complex networks
His biological applications include:
—Microbiome data analysis
—Inference of microbial association networks from amplicon data
—Analysis of microbial time series data from metagenomics measurements
—Robustness of parameter spaces in biological systems
Müller held postdoctoral positions at ETH Zürich and NYU. Müller holds an MS in computer science from Uppsala University, Sweden, an MS in bioinformatics and computer science, as well as a university certificate in literature and poetry, from the University of Tübingen, Germany, and a PhD in computer science from ETH Zürich, Switzerland.