Proteomic insights into cellular foundations of marine ecosystems

Investigator: Erin Bertrand, Dalhousie

Marine microbes are the foundation of most marine ecosystems and play critical roles in the ocean’s response to climate change. However, we still lack basic information about how these microbes use available resources to grow, and how that resource use changes as their environment changes. Without this information, we are limited in our ability to predict how the growth of marine microbes will change in the future, and what the consequences of those changes will be for ocean chemistry and biology. To address this, we will make measurements of the proteins marine microbes produce when they grow under different conditions. Proteins give us a unique window into how those microbes grow because they account for a large portion of cellular resources, and they also encode information that tells us about which microbe made them and what they might be used for. We will combine these protein measurements, made in the ocean, with various types of numerical models, to improve our understanding of resource use during marine microbial growth and its consequences for ocean processes.

CBIOMES Collaborators in Bertrand’s Group

News from the Bertrand Group

CBIOMES Welcomes Patrick White

A warm CBIOMES-welcome to Patrick White a PhD student at Dalhousie working with Erin Bertrand. (more…)

December 2024 CBIOMES e-meeting Elden Rowland (Dalhousie)

Towards protein allocation patterns along environmental gradients. Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates. (more…)


Catherine C. Bannon, Maria A. Soto, Elden Rowland, Nan Chen, Anna Gleason, Emmanuel Devred, Julie LaRoche, Erin M. Bertrand (2024), Production and utilization of pseudocobalamin in marine Synechococcus cultures and communities, Environmental Microbiology, doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.16701 Get the...

CBIOMES Welcomes Julia Cantelo

A warm welcome to Dalhousie graduate student Julia Cantelo  who recently joined CBIOMES (more…)

February 2024 CBIOMES e-meeting Cat Bannon (Bertrand Group)

Measuring the Ocean's Vitamins: The Role of Cobalamin Remodeling in Microbial Communities Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates. (more…)

April 2023 CBIOMES e-meeting Erin Bertrand (Dalhousie)

"Towards quantifying taxon-specific carbon fixation with protein measurements" Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates. (more…)


Maria A. Soto, Dhwani Desai, Catherine Bannon, Julie LaRoche, Erin M. Bertrand (2023), Cobalamin producers and prokaryotic consumers in the Northwest Atlantic, Environmental Microbiology, doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.16363 Get the PDF [Requires login]...

CBIOMES Welcomes Catherine “Cat” Bannon

A warm welcome to graduate student Cat Bannon from the Bertrand-Dalhousie Group who recently joined CBIOMES. (more…)

November 2022 CBIOMES e-meeting Loay Jabre (Bertrand Group, Dalhousie)

“Iron-temperature interactions in Southern Ocean phytoplankton” Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates. (more…)

CBIOMES Welcomes Loay Jabre

A warm welcome to graduate student Loay Jabre who is a member of the new Dalhousie-Bertrand Group (more…)

CBIOMES Welcomes Erin Bertrand

A warm welcome to CBIOMES' newest PI Dr. Erin Bertrand of Dalhousie University, Canada. (more…)