
(Contact to have your paper included here)

(CBIOMES investigators highlighted in bold)

Britten G.L., Y. Mohajerani, L. Primeau, M. Aydin, C. Garcia, W. Wang, B. Pasquier, B.B. Cael, F.W. Primeau, Evaluating the benefits of Bayesian hierarchical methods for analyzing heterogeneous environmental datasets: a case study of marine organic carbon fluxes. (Accepted at Frontiers in Environmental Science)

Britten G.L., C. Padalino, G. Forget, M.J. Follows (2021), Seasonal photoacclimation in the North Pacific Transition Zone, (Under consideration at Global Biogeochemical Cycles)

Kheireddine, M., Brewin, R.J.W., Ouhssain, M. & Jones, B.J., Particulate scattering and backscattering in relation to the nature of particles in the Red Sea. (Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.)

Lambert, B., R. D. Groussman, Megan J. Schatz, S. N. Coesel, B. P. Durham, A. J. Alverson, A. E. White, and E. V. Armbrust (2021), The dynamic trophic architecture of open-ocean protist communities revealed through machine-guided metatranscriptomics, Proceedings National Academy of Science (in revision.)

In Preparation


Casey, J.R., M. Engqvist, C. Müller, R. Boiteau, J. Bien, Z. Finkel, G. Li, J. Liefer, N. Muñoz, and M.J. Follows – Simulating Prochlorococcus growth, metabolism and physiology in the Atlantic Ocean.

Siliangyu Cheng, Shengwei HouJed A. Fuhrman, Fengzhu Sun, DeepEukFinder: a versatile multiclass classifier enables accurate classification of metagenomic contigs.

Liefer, J.D., A. White, Z. Finkel, V. Armbrust, D. Karl, A. Irwin, F. Ribalet, … , M.J. Follows – Phytoplankton macromolecules determine surface particulate C:N:P across an ocean gradient.

Omta, A.-W., J.D. Liefer, Z. Finkel, A. Irwin, D. Sher, and M.J. Follows – A macro-molecular model of algal physiology and elemental composition.

D. Rao, D. Moran, M. McIlvan, Z. Fussy, M.J. Follows, A. Allen, and M. Saito – Proteogenomics reveals the flexible vitamin B12 metabolism of the keystone marine haptophyte Phaeocystis antarctica.

Ribalet, F.S. Dutkiewicz, J. Casey, G. Armbrust, Nutrient and temperature control of Prochlorococcus growth rates.