CBIOMES Welcomes Yubin Raut

A warm welcome to postdoc Yubin Raut who recently joined the USC-Fuhrman CBIOMES Group.

by Helen Hill for CBIOMES

Yubin Raut joined the Fuhrman lab as a postdoc in July 2021 to contribute to ongoing research projects aimed at establishing a stable biogeographic database of global microbial distribution and abundance patterns from exact amplicon sequence variants sampled from many research cruises spanning across a broad spatial and temporal range. He will also work on identifying important traits (e.g. fundamental lifestyle, preferred nutrients and oceanographic conditions, geographic distributions, etc.) for a wide variety of marine microbes.

More broadly Raut is interested in better understanding and describing the roles microbes play in global biogeochemical (eg C, N) cycles. For his PhD work, he was focused on investigating diazotrophs in coastal regions, specifically within macroalgal ecosystems. He is very interested in remineralization of organic matter (OM), especially particulate OM, and how/what microbial communities influence decomposition of different OM as well as the different constraints influencing the microbial communities throughout decomposition of OM.

Raut holds a BS (2015) in Biology and Geology with a minor in Oceanography from Texas A&M University. He received his PhD in Ocean Sciences from the University of Southern California in 2021 where he worked with Douglas Capone.


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Story Image: In his spare time, Yubin is an avid explorer of the outdoors, especially the ocean. “My main obsession is surfing,” he says. “I also enjoy playing many different sports including basketball, volleyball, ping pong, etc. Lastly, I love food, music, reading, and traveling.”