CBIOMES Welcomes Arkajyoti (Arka) Saha

A warm welcome to postdoc Arka Saha who recently joined the Bien Group.

by Helen Hill for CBIOMES

Arka is a UW data science postdoctoral fellow affiliated with the University of Washington, Department of Statistics hosted by Daniela Witten and Jacob Bien.

Arka is primarily interested in selective inference and statistical machine learning methods for the analysis of high-dimensional correlated data. “This aligns nicely with the spatio-temporal nature of much oceanographic data,” he says. “In CBIOMES, my goal will be to develop novel statistical machine learning tools that can lead to new discoveries in understanding the geochemical properties of the ocean, while accounting for the variation across space and time. I am also looking forward to any possible new collaborative opportunities in the CBIOMES group.”

Arka holds a PhD (2021) from the Department of Biostatistics at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health advised by Nilanjan Chatterjee and Abhirup Datta. He also holds an M.Stat (2015, Specialization: Mathematical Statistics and Probability) and B.Stat (2013) from Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.

Story image: In his spare time Arka says he likes trying out foods from different countries and occasionally biking to balance that!

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