Characterizing macromolecular allocation strategies used by marine microbes for trait-based models

Zoe Finkel
Dalhousie University, Canada

Our focus is on the collection of experimental data for the development and testing of macromolecular models of microbial growth rate and elemental stoichiometry.  Our long-term objectives are to quantify how marine microbes allocate the elements C, N, and P and their major macromolecules (protein, carbohydrate, lipid, nucleic acids, and photosynthetic pigments) in response to various environmental conditions. We seek to identify allocation strategies that are universal, vary across functional groupings (including size), or are species specific. This information will be used to help construct and test next-generation models of microbial growth and elemental composition and aid in the understanding and modeling of marine microbial biogeography and ocean biogeochemistry.

CBIOMES Collaborators in the Finkel Group

News from the Finkel Group

Phytoplankton Realized Niches Track Changing Oceanic Conditions at a Long-Term Coastal Station off Sydney Australia

by Helen Hill for CBIOMES CBIOMES researchers in the Dalhousie Group looking at changes in phytoplankton biogeography in response to changing climate find mean phytoplankton niches closely tracked changes in mean...

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