CBIOMES at CMStatistics2019

In December, several from CBIOMES traveled to London, England, to present their work at CMStatistics2019, a conference organized by the European Research Consortium for Informatics (ERCIM) Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics) and Birkbeck University of London.

With the goal of exposing the wider statistical community to the interesting statistical questions arising in ocean data, CBIOMES investigator Christian Müller (Flatiron) organized and led a session entitled “Oceans of Data: High-dimensional statistics for marine data analysis” bringing together speakers Aditya Mishra (Flatiron), Jacob Bien and Sangwon (Justin) Hyun (USC), and Crispin Mutshinda and Joe Siddons (Dalhousie) to share their work applying statistical work to ocean data as part of the CBIOMES collaboration.


A. Mishra, C.L. Mueller, J. Bien, S. Hyun
Marine Data Mining with CMAP using R

J. Bien, C.L. Mueller, X. Yan
Structured feature aggregation in regression with microbiome data

S. Hyun, J. Bien, F. Ribalet, M. Cape
Joint modeling of continuous flow cytometry data with environmental covariates

C. Mutshinda, A. Irwin, Z. Finkel
A trait-based taxonomy for phytoplankton biomass modeling and prediction

J. Siddons, A. Irwin, Z. Finkel
Inference of ecological networks from a sparse ocean dataset

Story image courtesy: J. Bien