CBIOMES Welcomes Kathy Qi

A warm welcome to Kathy Qi who recently joined the Armbrust Group.

by Helen Hill for CBIOMES

HH: In summary, what are your research interests?
KQ: My research has primarily been in biology, though I have gone through a transition in size classes from studying mangroves to phytoplankton! Some of the work I’ve done and am interested in include ecological monitoring with remote sensing, ecosystem management, population and community level dynamics, and short/long term environmental responses. I’m also using statistics and data science to answer my research questions.

HH: What is your role in Ginger’s group? What are you going to be working on for CBIOMES?
KQ: I am a PhD student and just finished my first year! I am working on flow cytometry data, SeaFlow, and Influx so far, to understand how picophytoplankton size changes under different conditions. I would like to be able to predict large-scale effects in size based on flow cytometry data and other covariates. So far, I’ve been working with lots of environmental and metatranscriptome data, but I am still always testing out new ideas!

HH: What is your educational background (BS, MS?)
KQ: I have a BS in Marine Biology and Computer science (2020) and MS in Marine Biology (2021) from UC San Diego.

Story image: In her spare time Kathy enjoys skiing, rock climbing, backpacking, and anything outside- so Seattle has been very kind to me! I also like spending time with my two cats and painting to Bob Ross videos. 

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