Data assimilative microbial modeling and other model development and analysis for the Northeast Pacific
Chris Edwards
University of California, Santa Cruz
Marine ecosystem models generally combine numerical representations of basic processes like biological production and consumption with ocean circulation to simulate complex dynamics, usually governing photosynthesizers, their grazers, and the inorganic nutrients required for their growth. These models are necessary simplifications of nature, and accurate marine ecosystem simulation is subject to many unavoidable errors, including in processes, organisms, and in conditions used to initialize simulations.
The UCSC and UH groups focus on coupled physical and biogeochemical modeling and data assimilative studies in regional environments. We seek to apply these methods to the question of phytoplankton community structure in the north Pacific as well as pursuing general model development and analysis for understanding regional Darwin estimated microbial distributions in the northeast Pacific Ocean.
Data assimilative models use marine biogeochemical data to constrain coupled physical and NPZD-type ecosystem models to yield model output that more closely resembles ocean data than unconstrained model output. Both parameter estimation (Mattern et al. 2016) and ocean state estimation (Song et al. 2016a, 2016b, 2016c, and Mattern et al., 2017) are viable approaches. Our previous CBIOMES research has worked to make these methods more broadly applicable to any biogeochemical model (Mattern and Edwards, 2019, and Mattern et al., 2019). Most recently, we have investigated efficient methods that scale practically for the Darwin model (Mattern and Edwards., subm., and Izett et al., in prep).
These methods can now be applied to a specific problem in the northeast Pacific Ocean, namely the transition in Prochlorococcus concentrations observed in the Simons-funded Gradients cruises. High concentrations are found in warm, subtropical waters and low concentrations are observed in more northern waters. Debate presently exists regarding the cause of the transition. Flombaum (2013) argues that concentrations are statistically predictable by physical properties, largely temperature, whereas Follett et al. (2021) argue that temperature is not a strong predictor and that biological interactions, specifically co-predation of heterotrophic bacteria, influence Prochlorococcus population success. Parameter and state estimation methods previously developed in the CBIOMES project can be applied to bring the Darwin model closer to available observations allowing tests of hypotheses toward mechanistic controls on Prochlorococcus and other distributions. In addition, successful demonstration of the state estimation capability would represent a major step forward in ocean data assimilation, moving the field toward data-constrained predictions of presently unobserved quantities.
CBIOMES Collaborators working with Chris Edwards
Kevin Egan
Jasen Jacobsen
Paul Mattern
Andy Moore
Tobias Friedrich
Guangpeng Liu
Brian Powell
News from the UCSC Group
Christopher A. Edwards ... Andrew M. Moore et al (2024), Assessing impacts of observations on ocean circulation models with examples from coastal, shelf, and marginal seas, Front. Mar. Sci., doi:...

A Model Meeting
The CBIOMES Workshop on Numerical Circulation and Ecosystem Modeling was held on April 2-4, 2024, at the Simons Foundation in New York. (more…)

CBIOMES Welcomes Kevin Egan
A warm CBIOMES-welcome to postdoc Kevin Egan who joins the UCSC group to work with Brian Powell. (more…)

May 2024 CBIOMES e-meeting Jasen Jacobsen (UCSC)
Island Trapped Waves Enhance Primary Production in Idealized Numerical Models Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates. (more…)
Stephanie Dutkiewicz, Christopher L. Follett, Michael J. Follows, Fernanda Henderikx-Freitas, Francois Ribalet, Mary R. Gradoville, Sacha N. Coesel, Hanna Farnelid, Zoe V. Finkel, Andrew J. Irwin, Oliver Jahn, David M....
Jasen R. Jacobsen, Christopher A. Edwards, Brian S. Powell, John A. Colosi, Jerome Fiechter (2023), Nutricline adjustment by internal tidal beam generation enhances primary production in idealized numerical models, Front....

November 2023 CBIOMES e-meeting Jann Paul Mattern (UCSC)
"Ensemble optimal interpolation for adjoint-free biogeochemical data assimilation” Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates. (more…)
Jann Paul Mattern and Christopher A. Edwards (2023), Ensemble optimal interpolation for adjoint-free biogeochemical data assimilation, PLOS One, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0291039 Get the PDF [Requires login]
Jonathan G. Izett, J. Paul Mattern, Andrew M. Moore, Christopher A. Edwards (2023), Evaluating Alternate Methods of 4D-Var Data Assimilation in a Coupled Hydrodynamic—Four-Component Biogeochemical Model of the California Current...

Linking Transects and Eco-provinces
The CBIOMES Workshop on Transects and Eco-provinces was held on January 23-25, 2023, at MIT's Samberg Conference Center. (more…)

What’s the Big Deal with Diel?
The CBIOMES Workshop on Diel Processes was held on October 17-20, 2022, at the Bostonian Hotel, Boston. (more…)

Interpreting microbial growth rates from size distributions.
A multi-lab collaboration that grew out of the January 2020 Bayesian Workshop finds using the Bayesian approach can yield more realistic biological models and better constrained cellular growth rates. (more…)
Jann Paul Mattern, Kristof Glauninger, Gregory L. Britten, John R. Casey, Sangwon Hyun, Zhen Wu, E. Virginia Armbrust, Zaid Harchaoui, Francois Ribalet (2022), A Bayesian approach to modeling phytoplankton population...

March 2022 CBIOMES e-meeting Jasen Jacobsen (UCSC)
“Biological response to M2 internal tides generated at mid-ocean ridges” Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates. (more…)

February 2022 CBIOMES All Hands Poster Meeting
A big THANK-YOU to everyone who presented at the February e-meeting! (more…)

CBIOMES Welcomes Guangpeng Liu
by Helen Hill for CBIOMES A warm CBIOMES-welcome to Guangpeng Liu who joins the UCSC group to work with Brian Powell. (more…)

April 2021 CBIOMES e-meeting Paul Mattern (UCSC)
"The journey of a Bayesian matrix population model for Prochlorococcus" Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates. (more…)

December 2020 CBIOMES (Poster) e-Meeting
To provide an opportunity to "pick up the conversation" and chat with colleagues about where work had gone since our Annual Meeting in June, the December gathering was an all-hands...

2020 Joint Simons Marine Collaborations Meeting
Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates only. Besides CBIOMES, the Simons Foundation supports three other marine collaborations: BIOS-SCOPE, PriME, and SCOPE. A joint meeting, October...

CBIOMES Welcomes Jonathan Izett
A warm welcome to Jonathan Izett, a postdoc working in Chris Edwards’ UCSC CBIOMES Group. (more…)

September 2020 CBIOMES e-meeting – Brian Powell (UH)
"High-Resolution ROMS/Darwin around Hawai‘i" Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates. (more…)

The Edwards Group goes to Annual Meeting
The UCSC-CBIOMES group is helping bring data and models together using data assimilation. In this video, PI Chris Edwards presents an overview of their progress and advertises UH and UCSC...

CBIOMES Goes to Ocean Sciences 2020
Look out for members of the CBIOMES team, sharing their work at this year’s Ocean Sciences conference taking place February 16-21 in San Diego, California. (more…)
Jann Paul Mattern, Christopher A. Edwards, Christopher N. Hill (2019), Dual number-based variational data assimilation: Constructing exact tangent linear and adjoint code from nonlinear model evaluations, PLoS One, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0223131 Get the PDF [Requires...

CBIOMES Welcomes Jasen Jacobsen
A warm welcome to Jasen Jacobsen, a graduate student working in Chris Edwards' UCSC CBIOMES Group. (more…)

A simple finite difference‐based approximation for biogeochemical tangent linear and adjoint models
by Helen Hill for CBIOMES CBIOMES investigators Paul Mattern and Chris Edwards present a technique that accurately approximates tangent linear and adjoint models for data assimilation applications based only on evaluations of...