The Fuhrman Group uses ‘omics data to better understand microbial growth, interactions, and biogeographies. Recent research has been focused on evaluating a promising new approach to simultaneously determine the growth rates of many different kinds of microbes from the within-genome distributions of DNA extracted from mixed populations. Fuhrman Lab postdoc Jesse McNichol elaborates on a pair of recent papers reporting their progress. Continue reading “In the Mix”
CBIOMES Welcomes New Fuhrman Lab Manager Kema Malki
A warm welcome to Kema Malki who joined the USC-Fuhrman CBIOMES Group last month. Continue reading “CBIOMES Welcomes New Fuhrman Lab Manager Kema Malki”
The Fuhrman Lab goes to Annual Meeting 2021
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Yi-Chun Yeh, Jesse C McNichol, David M Needham, Erin B Fichot, Jed A Fuhrman, Comprehensive single-PCR 16S and 18S rRNA community analysis validated with mock communities and denoising algorithms, Envir. Microbiol., doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.15553
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Weissman, Jake L, Shengwei Hou, Jed A Fuhrman (2021), Estimating maximal microbial growth rates from cultures, metagenomes, and single cells via codon usage patterns, PNAS, doi: 10.1073/pnas.2016810118
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CBIOMES Welcomes Four Graduate Students
A warm welcome to Delaney Nolin and Rae Santora from USC, and Lexi Jones and Ari Krinos from MIT as they bring their skills and energy to the CBIOMES collaboration. Continue reading “CBIOMES Welcomes Four Graduate Students”
February 2021 CBIOMES e-meeting Sarah Laperriere (Fuhrman Lab, USC)
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December 2020 CBIOMES (Poster) e-Meeting
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Using Metagenomics to Measure In-Situ Microbial Growth Rates
Growth rates are central to understanding microbial interactions and community dynamics. The Fuhrman Lab, which uses ‘omics data to seek a better understanding of microbial growth, interactions, and biogeographies has been evaluating a promising new approach to simultaneously determine the growth rates of many different kinds of microbes from the within-genome distributions of DNA extracted from in-situ (mixed) ocean populations. Continue reading “Using Metagenomics to Measure In-Situ Microbial Growth Rates”
2020 Joint Simons Marine Collaborations Meeting
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