A Deep Dive into Macromolecular and Physiological Modeling

by Helen Hill for CBIOMES

At a two-day workshop held at MIT, January 28 and 29, a subset of the CBIOMES team gathered to share a focused dive into the detail of phytoplankton macromolecular and physiological modeling, coupled with an immersive exploration of how best to integrate such models into larger scale models of marine plankton distribution. Continue reading “A Deep Dive into Macromolecular and Physiological Modeling”

Towards a Better Model for the Microbe Membrane

by John Casey for CBIOMES

CBIOMES Postdoctoral Fellow John Casey, has been working closely with MIT Group PI Mick Follows to combine quantitative proteomics, flux balance analysis of genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs), and molecular modeling in an attempt to estimate the parameters of a kinetic model based on transport fluxes, transporter abundances and structures, molecular diffusivity, and microscale fluid dynamics. Continue reading “Towards a Better Model for the Microbe Membrane”