Greg Britten from the MIT CBIOMES Group travels to Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada
Continue reading “Lab Notes: Britten visits Dalhousie”
A simple finite difference‐based approximation for biogeochemical tangent linear and adjoint models
by Helen Hill for CBIOMES
CBIOMES investigators Paul Mattern and Chris Edwards present a technique that accurately approximates tangent linear and adjoint models for data assimilation applications based only on evaluations of the nonlinear model. The resulting approximation offers a simple way to create readily maintained tangent linear and adjoint model code as only major changes to the nonlinear model formulation necessitate modifications of the tangent linear or adjoint model code. Continue reading “A simple finite difference‐based approximation for biogeochemical tangent linear and adjoint models”
Using MEP to Describe Microbial Biogeochemistry over Time and Space in a Meromictic Pond
by Helen Hill for CBIOMES
CBIOMES investigator Joe Vallino leverages the principle of maximum entropy production (MEP) to understand microbial biogeochemistry in a Falmouth, MA pond. Continue reading “Using MEP to Describe Microbial Biogeochemistry over Time and Space in a Meromictic Pond”
Phytoplankton Realized Niches Track Changing Oceanic Conditions at a Long-Term Coastal Station off Sydney Australia
by Helen Hill for CBIOMES
CBIOMES researchers in the Dalhousie Group looking at changes in phytoplankton biogeography in response to changing climate find mean phytoplankton niches closely tracked changes in mean temperature, while the mean salinity and mixed layer depth realized niches were consistently at the extreme range of available conditions at a study site near Sydney Australia. Continue reading “Phytoplankton Realized Niches Track Changing Oceanic Conditions at a Long-Term Coastal Station off Sydney Australia”
New in Print
A Selection of research published within the CBIOMES community over the past few months. Continue reading “New in Print”
Simons Early Career Investigator in Marine Microbial Ecology and Evolution Awards 2019 Request for Applications
The Simons Foundation is now accepting applications for its Simons Early Career Investigator in Marine Microbial Ecology and Evolution Awards. The deadline for receipt of letters of intent (LOI) is November 6, 2018, 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
Complete details at
CBIOMES Welcomes Greg Britten
A warm welcome to incoming postdoc Dr Greg Britten who joins the MIT CBIOMES Group.
Big Oceans. Tiny Microbes. Sea Biomes.
by Helen Hill for CBIOMES
A meeting held at the Simons Foundation in New York City May 21 through 23 provided a first opportunity for collaborators to meet face-to-face, and provided a forum for investigators to educate one another about each others expertise and areas of activity, share initial progress, and coordinate collaborative efforts. Continue reading “Big Oceans. Tiny Microbes. Sea Biomes.”