Characterizing macromolecular allocation strategies used by marine microbes for trait-based models
Zoe Finkel
Dalhousie University, Canada
Our focus is on the collection of experimental data for the development and testing of macromolecular models of microbial growth rate and elemental stoichiometry. Our long-term objectives are to quantify how marine microbes allocate the elements C, N, and P and their major macromolecules (protein, carbohydrate, lipid, nucleic acids, and photosynthetic pigments) in response to various environmental conditions. We seek to identify allocation strategies that are universal, vary across functional groupings (including size), or are species specific. This information will be used to help construct and test next-generation models of microbial growth and elemental composition and aid in the understanding and modeling of marine microbial biogeography and ocean biogeochemistry.
CBIOMES Collaborators in the Finkel Group

Julia Cantelo
Hanna Gingerich
Nolan Fehon
Laura Bretherton
Ying-Yu (Ruby) Hu
Kevan Merrow
News from the Finkel Group

C:N:P Patterns in the North Pacific
A SCOPE Gradients study with CBIOMES cross-over has provided new insights into how phytoplankton adapt to varying nutrient conditions across the North Pacific Ocean, significantly impacting global carbon storage. (more…)

CBIOMES Welcomes Dany Croteau
A warm CBIOMES-welcome to postdoc who recently moved to Dalhousie to work (more…)
Justin D. Liefer, Angelicque E. White, Zoe V. Finkel, Andrew J. Irwin, Mathilde Dugenneb, Keisuke Inomura, François Ribalet, E. Virginia Armbrust, David M. Karl, Matthew H. Fyfe, Christopher M. Brown,...

CBIOMES Welcomes Nolan Fehon
A warm CBIOMES-welcome to Dalhousie MSc candidate Nolan Fehon who recently joined CBIOMES. (more…)

CBIOMES Welcomes Hanna Gingerich
A warm CBIOMES-welcome to Dalhousie MSc candidate Hanna Gingerich who recently joined CBIOMES. (more…)

September 2024 CBIOMES e-meeting Laura Bretherton (Dal)
The macromolecular response of Pelagomonas calceolata to N and P starvation. Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates. (more…)
Omta, Anne Willem, Justin D. Liefer, Zoe V. Finkel, Andrew J. Irwin, Daniel Sher, Michael J. Follows (2024), A model of time-dependent macromolecular and elemental composition of phytoplankton, Journal of...

CBIOMES Welcomes Julia Cantelo
A warm welcome to Dalhousie graduate student Julia Cantelo who recently joined CBIOMES (more…)
Ying-Yu Hu, Andrew J. Irwin , Zoe V. Finkel (2024), An improved method to quantify bulk carbohydrate in marine planktonic samples, Limnology and Oceanography Methods, doi: 10.1002/lom3.10614 Get the PDF [Requires...
Stephanie Dutkiewicz, Christopher L. Follett, Michael J. Follows, Fernanda Henderikx-Freitas, Francois Ribalet, Mary R. Gradoville, Sacha N. Coesel, Hanna Farnelid, Zoe V. Finkel, Andrew J. Irwin, Oliver Jahn, David M....
Olga Carnicer, Ying-Yu Hu, Vinitha Ebenezer, Andrew J. Irwin, Zoe V. Finkel (2023), Genomic architecture constrains macromolecular allocation in dinoflagellates, Protist, doi: 10.1016/j.protis.2023.125992 Get the PDF [Requires login]
Zhengke Li, Yong Zhang, Wei Li, Andrew J. Irwin, Zoe Finkel (2023), Common environmental stress responses in a model marine diatom, New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111/nph.19147 Get the PDF [Requires login]
Rosie M. Sheward, Justin D. Liefer, Andrew J. Irwin, Zoe Finkel (2023), Elemental stoichiometry of the key calcifying marine phytoplankton Emiliania huxleyi under ocean climate change: A meta-analysis, Global Change...
Niall McGinty, Andrew J. Irwin, Zoe V. Finkel and Stephanie Dutkiewicz (2023), Using ecological partitions to assess zooplankton biogeography and seasonality, Front. Mar. Res., doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.989770 Get the PDF [Requires login]...
Crispin M. Mutshinda, Aditya Mishra, Zoe V. Finkel and Andrew J. Irwin (2023), Density regulation amplifies environmentally induced population fluctuations, PeerJ, doi: 10.7717/peerj.14701 Get the PDF [Requires login]
Ying-Yu Hu, Andrew Irwin, Zoe Finkel (2022), Improving Quantification of Particulate Phosphorus, Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, doi: 10.1002/lom3.10517 Get the PDF [Requires login]

October 2022 CBIOMES e-meeting Sing-how Tuo (Dal)
"C:N:P ratio and macromolecular composition in Crocosphaera: small vs. large-cell phenotypes under N-free condition" Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates. (more…)

CBIOMES Welcomes Laura Bretherton
A warm welcome to postdoc Laura Bretherton from the Finkel-Dalhousie Group who recently joined CBIOMES. (more…)

CBIOMES Welcomes Nuwanthi Samarasinghe
A warm welcome to graduate student Nuwanthi Samarasinghe from the Finkel-Dalhousie Group who recently joined CBIOMES. (more…)

CBIOMES Welcomes Kevan Merrow
A warm welcome to Kevan Merrow who recently joined the Finkel-Irwin Group. (more…)
Joseph T. Siddons, Andrew J. Irwin and Zoe V. Finkel (2022), Graphical Analysis of A Marine Plankton Community Reveals Spatial, Temporal, and Niche Structure of Sub-Communities, Front. Mar. Sci., doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.943540...
Mohammad M. Amirian, Andrew J. Irwin, Zoe V. Finkel (2022), Extending the Monod Model of Microbial Growth with Memory, arXiv:2207:02028 [q-bio.PE] Get the PDF [Requires login]
Zhengke Li, Yong Zhang, Wei Li, Andrew J Irwin, Zoe V Finkel (2022), Conservation and architecture of housekeeping genes in the model marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana, New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111/nph.18039...

February 2022 CBIOMES All Hands Poster Meeting
A big THANK-YOU to everyone who presented at the February e-meeting! (more…)
Vinitha Ebenezer, Ying-Yu Hu, Olga Carnicer, Andrew J. Irwin, Michael J. Follows, Zoe V. Finkel (2022), Elemental and macromolecular composition of the marine Chloropicophyceae, a major group of oceanic photosynthetic picoeukaryotes, Limnology and...
Crispin M. Mutshinda, Aditya Mishra, Zoe V. Finkel, Claire E. Widdicombe & Andrew J. Irwin (2022), Bayesian two-part modeling of phytoplankton biomass and occurrence, Hydrobiologia, doi: 10.1007/s10750-021-04789-2 Get the PDF [Requires...

A Systems Level Approach to Biogeography
Microbial simulations bridge the gap between the molecular and ecosystem scales. A new CBIOMES paper presents, for the first time, an interpretation of observed, strain-level, basin-scale biogeography using genome-scale modeling...

October 2021 CBIOMES e-meeting Zoe Finkel (Dalhousie)
"Chloropicophyceae along resource gradients" Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates. (more…)
Z-K. Li, Y. Zhang, Y. Hu, R. Sheward, A.J. Irwin, Z.V. Finkel (2021),, Dynamic photophysiological stress response of a model diatom to ten environmental stresses, J. Phycol., doi: 10.1111/jpy.13072 Get the PDF [Requires login]...
Yong Zhang, Zhengke Li, Kai G. Schulz, Ying-Yu Hu, Andrew J. Irwin, Zoe V. Finkel (2021), Growth-dependent changes in elemental stoichiometry and macromolecular allocation in the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi under...
O. Carnicer, A.J. Irwin, Z.V. Finkel (2021), Traits influence dinoflagellate C:N:P, European J. Phycology, doi: 10.1080/09670262.2021.1914860 Get the PDF [Requires login]

May 2021 CBIOMES e-meeting Vinitha Ebenezer (Dal)
“Do photosynthetic picoeukaryotes (small cells) have anomalous biochemical composition?” Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates. (more…)

CBIOMES Welcomes Sing-how Tuo
A warm welcome to postdoc Sing-how Tuo who joins the Irwin/Finkel Dalhousie CBIOMES Group this month. (more…)

December 2020 CBIOMES (Poster) e-Meeting
To provide an opportunity to "pick up the conversation" and chat with colleagues about where work had gone since our Annual Meeting in June, the December gathering was an all-hands...

November 2020 CBIOMES e-meeting – Zhengke Li (Finkel Group, Dalhousie)
“Housekeeping genes in the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana“ Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates. (more…)

2020 Joint Simons Marine Collaborations Meeting
Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates only. Besides CBIOMES, the Simons Foundation supports three other marine collaborations: BIOS-SCOPE, PriME, and SCOPE. A joint meeting, October...

September 2020 CBIOMES e-meeting – Olga Carnicer (Dal)
“Traits influence dinoflagellate C:N:P” Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates. (more…)
A.W. Omta, D. Talmy, K. Inomura, A.J. Irwin, Z.V. Finkel, D. Sher, and M.J. Follows (2020), Quantifying nutrient throughput and DOM production by algae in continuous culture, Journal of Theoretical Biology, doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2020.110214 Get the PDF [Requires...

The Finkel Group Goes to Annual Meeting
Zoe Finkel leads the Developing a New Trait-based Understanding of Microbial Communities Based on Metabolic and Elemental and Macromolecular Constraints project. In this video, Zoe presents an overview of her team's...

Seen at Ocean Sciences: CBIOMES Posters
Several CBIOMES members shared posters at this year’s Ocean Sciences conference which took place in San Diego in February. Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES associates....

CBIOMES Goes to Ocean Sciences 2020
Look out for members of the CBIOMES team, sharing their work at this year’s Ocean Sciences conference taking place February 16-21 in San Diego, California. (more…)

Fall 2019 SCOPE Gradients Workshop
Twelve from CBIOMES attended the 2019 Gradients Workshop held at the Alexis Hotel in Seattle WA October 15 through 17. Please note access to this page is restricted to CBIOMES...
Catherine Fiset, Andrew J. Irwin, Zoe V. Finkel (2019), The macromolecular composition of non‐calcified marine macroalgae, Journal of Phycology, doi: 10.1111/jpy.12913 Get the PDF [Requires login]

When Phytoplankton Go Hungry
Story by Helen Hill | CBIOMES News The Redfield ratio, the atomic ratio of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus (C:N:P) in phytoplankton and deep ocean waters, has often been treated as a...

CBIOMES Welcomes Olga Carnicer
A warm welcome to postdoc Olga Carnicer as she joins Zoe Finkel’s Dalhousie CBIOMES Group. (more…)

Lab Notes: Britten visits Dalhousie
Greg Britten from the MIT CBIOMES Group travels to Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada (more…)
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